As Christians, I think there comes a time when we all decide we want to learn more and mature in our faith. As the Pastor of this congregation, my hope is to provide you with resources that can help you drink from the deep well that is Christianity. This will be a "Living Resource" that I update and change periodically.

Memorize Scripture (app or website) a program that switches between the Scriptures text, the first letter of every word, and then blank, to help you memorize the Scriptures. (Built by a member of St. Paul in Austin.)
Bible Timeline from the Holy Pig website. This is the best Bible timeline I’ve found.
Bible Atlas, also from the Holy Pig website, is also the best I’ve found.
Step Bible is a free web tool that helps study the Scriptures with the original languages.
Studylight Bible Study Tools, including The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge, the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, and Kretzmann’s Popular Commentary.
World English Bible, a modern, pretty good, public domain translation of the Scriptures.
Logos Bible Software - This is what I use for Sermon and Bible Study Preparation. It is comprehensive. You can build a personal theological library without the weight of physical books.
Treasury of Daily Prayer (Regular Version, Deluxe Version, App) - This resource has changed my devotional life. If you are on our mailing list, you receive the daily readings from this, but there is a lot you are missing that I can't share because of the breadth of this resource.